NewsSeriesSunday Night

Share Your Story 8.31.15

Sunday night brought some interesting thoughts to the students. Not only are we suppose to be a part of someone else’s story (becoming a part of their life), but we are suppose to share our story.

Can you think back to one of your favorite books as a child? Some of mine would include the Where’s Waldo search and find books, or the Very Hungry Caterpillar. I loved putting myself into the world of the books that was being read to me as a child. Fantasies of myself becoming a knight and slaying a dragon, or diving into a deep blue ocean to see what lied beneath the surface. Stories have a way of captivating us don’t they? If there is one thing that I love to do when I speak it is to share a personal story about myself. The details are limitless, the scenarios are real, and the story relates with the students on a personal level. I have stories to tell. You have stories to tell. Friends have ears and are attentive to what you are saying to them.

I love when God moves in words that leave the mouth and changes the hearts and minds of teenagers. We should be encouraged in knowing that He is there to shape our stories and use them for His purpose.

This week we allowed the students to accept a challenge of being interviewed and answer the question “where have you seen God lately”. This was issued because we needed to start being bold in telling our stories. I want to thank the students who participated in the activity. I am excited to share with you what the students came up with.

Check out this video: