About Highway 111

IMG_3726Highway 111 desires to be a place where we allow students to Hear about Jesus, begin to Follow Jesus, and ultimately Be like Jesus. 

Hear//Follow//Be-- JESUS





God created you exactly who he wants you to be. We understand that we are not perfect. We understand that life is messy. Highway 111 accepts who you are but we also desire you to be more like Jesus. Focusing on that goal of becoming like Jesus means that change needs to occur. We believe that Highway 111 pushes the advancement of God's Kingdom by investing all our talents into teenagers.

We want all students to be given the chance to hear what God is saying to them and open them up to answer the question, "what are they going to do about it?"

We are not perfect. We are not always right. We accept that we fail. But through God's grace we are able to find hope and know that he still loves us and wants to have a relationship with us.

Come join us on this adventure as we seek together what it means to be a follower of Jesus. 

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us

Average Number of Volunteers
Average Students That Attend
Average Friends You Will Know
Chance You Will Have Fun (%)

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