SeriesSunday NightUncategorized

1 Lord// 1 Faith// 1 Baptism

HWY 111 was on a roll this week as we kicked off our new series “Highway 111”. Starting Sunday, October 20th we are diving into what Highway 111 means and where this ministry originated from.

The Scripture that we will keep hammering over and over again comes from Ephesians 4:5, “one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism.” The apostle Paul is writing to the people of Ephesus concerning their unity with one another. They have been struggling to keep the faith that they chose to accept.  The Bible doesn’t say that being a follower of Jesus is easy. Jesus promises us that there will be trouble in this world (John 16:33), but he also says in the same breath that He has overcome the world! That is a awesome promise from Jesus, but we continue to live in a broken world. We have hope, but we still struggle.

Paul sees how this world is taking a toll on those following Jesus. So Paul, writing from prison, gives them truths that they need to stand firm on in order to keep them together- to keep them unified. These unified truths is what Highway 111 stands for- 1 Lord, 1 Faith, 1 Baptism.

We invite you to come and join us over the next 3 weeks to talk about these truths more in depth and how we can apply them to our lives today.

Teaching wasn’t the only thing we did over the course of the night. *Enter stage left* Criss-Cross-CRASH!

Everybody loves to see a little hurt and pain happen sometimes right? Check out the videos of how we like to create fun…but also allow a little pain to enter into the activity.

Criss cross crash

Criss Cross Crash 2!

Join us every Sunday night from 6-8. See you on the 27th!