CIY Believe

CIY BELIEVE Kingdom Worker OPEN Challenge 2


(You have this week to complete this challenge. A new challenge will be issued Monday, Mar. 6th)


Everyone of us has something that we are good at. We call them TALENTS. How awesome is it that God has generously given us these abilities in ways that make us each unique?!
Not only does He give them to us to enjoy, He also wants us to use them to help build up his Kingdom.
1 Peter 4:10 says “Each of you should use whatever gifts you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms”. That’s literally what it means to be a Kingdom Worker.

Click on the video below to hear KJ52’s TALENT challenge.

Challenge #2 – Talent from Christ In Youth

After the video- pray this prayer

Dear God, thank you for giving me the talents and abilities that you’ve blessed me with. Forgive me for missing the opportunities to use them for you and help me to be more aware of how I can be open with my talents in the future. Please walk with me and teach me more about your generosity as I complete this challenge.