
2018 Shirts are IN!!!!!

 HWY 111 has released new shirts in 2018!!!!!

We are so excited to be sharing this new direction with you. You might be wondering, “what’s the deal with the triangles?”

Well, they’re here to stay! So allow us to inform you about what they’re all about!

In Luke 6:12-19, we see Jesus live out his life in 3 dimensions.


12 One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night.

Jesus is showing us that spending time with his Father is extremely important. He knew that his relationship with God was the most important part of his life. At HWY 111 we desire above anything to show students who Jesus is. We pray that every student that walks through our doors will HEAR about this guy who came to to die for all of mankind so that when we accept Him as Lord of our lives we then will be with the the Father in Heaven forever. We pray that students will HEAR His calling in their lives and choose to become a Follower of Jesus and begin their journey to become like Him.

Going along in this scripture we actually find out why Jesus was praying to God. Jesus was about to make one of the most important twelve decisions that would alter the course of the future. After he finishes praying, he chooses the 12 men that he would invest is life into for the next 3 years. 


13 At daybreak he called together all of his disciples and chose twelve of them to be apostles. Here are their names:

14 Simon (whom he named Peter), Andrew (Peter’s brother), James, John, Philip, Bartholomew,
15 Matthew, Thomas, James (son of Alphas), Simon (who was called the zealot),
16 Judas (son of James), Judas Iscariot (who later betrayed him).

Jesus brings alongside him 12 men. He would teach, pray, fight, love, have compassion, correct, lead, challenge, sleep, travel, and invite these men to become like Himself. HWY 111 believes that inviting students to be in genuine relationships with other followers is vital to growing to be like Jesus. We FOLLOW Jesus and pray that investing in the lives of students will challenge them to FOLLOW him as well.

After Jesus chose the 12, they came down from the mountainside and began to show those who didn’t believe that Jesus was who he says he was, that he indeed was the Son of God. 


17 When they came down from the mountain, the disciples stood with Jesus on a large, level area, surrounded by many of his followers and by the crowds. There were people from all over Judea and from Jerusalem and from as far north as the seacoasts of Tyre and Sidon. 18 They had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases; and those troubled by evil spirits were healed. 19 Everyone tried to touch him, because healing power went out from him, and he healed everyone.

 Jesus met needs. The power of Jesus went out to the masses. As we FOLLOW Jesus, we want to do what Jesus did. Live like Jesus lived. Love like Jesus loved. As we BECOME like Jesus, we can’t help but want to BE Jesus to those around us. 

JESUS. It’s all about JESUS. 

Highway 111 is designed to help students HEAR the calling of Jesus, to FOLLOW Jesus, and to BE Jesus. 

If you would like to purchase a shirt, please click on the link bellow.